Monday, March 5, 2012

March On

One of my favorite months, March is the perfect balance of brisk chill, singing birds, and sprouting flowers. At least it's supposed to be--it's been snowing in the Midwest for the last few days. Unfortunate as that is, I won't let the weather put a damper on my favorite things about this time of year.
1. I'm turning 21. And hey, I'm a college girl. I think the importance of this age speaks for itself. But what I'm most looking forward to about the milestone is being able to pretend I'm classy--I can have wine with cheese if I feel like it.
2. Spring Break means travel. Even if by travel I mean merely going home to IL, the thought of shaking up my routine a little is undeniably appealing in the middle of a mundane semester. The fun part: using my Vera Bradley bags. But I'm lusting after this new pattern
3. Even though it isn't until the month's end, March means the start of spring! As a lover of flowers, their expected abundance has me thrilled. And peonies are my favorite. Just in case you were wondering. For any particular reason (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
4. Bathing suits are popping up in stores everywhere. I can't decide if I'm more eager or nervous to get into a swimsuit, though. So I should probably ixnay with the eating-pizza-almost-daily habit before April. 
5. St. Patrick's Day means green rules the month. I've always loved green but had trouble wearing it with my pale skin tone. The solution? The newly popular mint green. Softer and less brazen, this shade is easy to pair with most colors, and it reminds me of my 7th favorite facet of March.
6. For fashion houses, spring means new lines, and new lines mean new campaigns. I get so giddy when I flip through my magazines and see all the new spring ads for designers. Even though I can't afford to actually buy any of the featured products, the photos are so creative and pretty. I'll use ones like the above Kate Spade and Tory Burch ads as inspiration for my own wardrobe (but my clothes will probably come from Forever 21).
7. Shamrock shakes! If you haven't had one, you've clearly never experienced heaven in your mouth. Go to McDonald's NOW and snap up the seasonal treasure before it disappears for another year! And here's an insider tip--dip your fries in it. Just trust me on this one.

xo Heidi
[PRESS PLAY: "Starlight" by Muse. Available on iTunes.] 

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